When looking to breakfast my top tips are always prioritise colour, protein & fats & wouldn’t you know this recipe does JUST THAT. (What a surprise hey!)
Anyway yes I am a lady who you know practises what she preaches & this simple embodiment of everything that is nutritious & delicious in life is one of my absolute favourite ways to start the day, & luckily for us all it’s really easy to make too!
By beginning our days with more of the elements I mentioned over the inclusion of lots of carbohydrates we set our metabolism off on a nice steady plod, we feel more energetic for longer, our body has all manner of wonderful things like antioxidants to fuel itself properly, & we naturally turn less to bits like sweets & stimulants to support us.
The other great thing about these beauties is that they’ll keep for a couple of days & are equally as delicious served cold so you can happily make them on a weekend morning for a divine breakfast or brunch scenario, but also do a couple of extra to have come Monday morning or as a mid-afternoon snack.
Feel free to accompany with your favourites, here I’ve chosen a few simple salad bits & my super seed crackers topped with Nush foods almond milk cheese.
Preheat your oven to 200C & grab a silicone muffin liner or heat proof ramekin to sit your avocado halves in.
Halve the avocado & remove the stone then use a teaspoon to scoop out some of the flesh to make more space for the eggs. Nestle them in your chosen holder making sure they aren’t going to rock about.
Crack the eggs into a cup then spoon the yolks in first before topping up with the whites (if not all of it fits then simply scramble, reserve for another recipe or pop into another muffin liner & bake separately).
Season then bake for 8-10 minutes until set & crisp then serve!