
The Hidden Culprit: Insufficient Electrolytes

The Hidden Culprit: Insufficient Electrolytes

Imagine this: a client walks into my office with two or more of the following symptoms. What could be causing their discomfort?

  • A dry mouth even when drinking water
  • Sparkling beverages are more refreshing than still
  • Muscle aches/cramps
  • Low energy
  • Salt cravings
  • Constipation, diarrhoea, or fluctuations between

THE ANSWER IS: Insufficient electrolyte levels!

Yes, you read that right. Electrolytes are crucial minerals that carry an electric charge and create gradients across our cell membranes. These gradients direct where fluids go in our bodies. This mechanism is essential for controlling blood pressure, digestive transit, blood sugar regulation, energy levels, and lymph circulation, among other vital functions.

Why Electrolytes Matter

Our bodies rely on electrolytes to function optimally. However, several factors can increase our need for electrolytes while simultaneously depleting our levels:

  • Sweating
  • High stress
  • Exercising
  • Caffeine intake
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Drinking filtered water
  • Hormonal changes
  • Breastfeeding

The symptoms listed above are signs of what we term functional dehydration. Before you dismiss this by thinking most "regular" people don't need extra electrolytes, let me share a decade of clinical experience: many people, perhaps more than you'd expect, can benefit from them. In my experience, 100% of the hundreds of people I've seen with these symptoms feel better with the simple inclusion of a high-quality, pure, and unsweetened electrolyte complex in their lives.

How to Incorporate Electrolytes into Your Routine

Daily dose recommendations:

  • For filtered water: Add 2-3 pumps per litre in all water consumed.
  • For mineral or tap water: Add 1-2 pumps per litre in all water consumed.

Some people prefer using a hypertonic solution first thing in the morning. This means adding 1-2 pumps to a glass of water and drinking it as the first fluid of the day. If this method is more convenient for you, give it a try. Personally, I find that consistent support throughout the day works best for me.

So, next time you notice any of these symptoms, consider your electrolyte intake. A small adjustment might just make a significant difference in how you feel. Let's stay hydrated, energised, and healthy together!

Phoebe x