As the temperatures fall in the UK, my inner sun bunny is little sad but my porridge obsessed ego starts to get a bit excited.
I've subbed in quinoa for porridge for this recipe as it's naturally gluten free, higher in protein, and will keep you going for longer.
You can prep this in advance as it retains its texture better than oats.
Halve & de-stone your plums, add to a pan with the orange juice, cinnamon, vanilla & 1/3 cup water. Cover & simmer for 15 minutes until tender.
Drain & rinse your quinoa, add to the plums with 1 cup water, re-cover & cook for a further 15 minutes until it has absorbed the liquid (add a splash more water if need be).
Serve topped generously with your fave but butter or decant to separate pots & refrigerate.
To warm at a later date simply place the pot in a pan, fill with water halfway up, cover & simmer gently for 5-6 minutes.