Food & Drink

Signs That Your Blood Sugar is Unstable and the Solutions

Signs That Your Blood Sugar is Unstable and the Solutions

Understanding your body's signals regarding blood sugar stability is crucial for making informed decisions about your diet and lifestyle. This guide aims to shed light on signs that your blood sugar might be unstable and offers practical solutions to address these symptoms.

Signs of Unstable Blood Sugar:

Frequent Hunger:
  • Sign: Feeling hungry shortly after a meal.
  • Implications: Sudden drops in blood sugar levels indicate potential earlier spikes, influenced by stress hormones, insufficient nutrients, or poor sleep quality.

Mood Instability:
  • Sign: Mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and depression.
  • Implications: Fluctuating blood glucose levels impact neurotransmitters, affecting brain function. Addressing stability can bring emotional balance.

Weight Concerns:
  • Sign: Central weight gain and difficulty losing weight.
  • Implications: Unstable blood sugar releases stress hormones and increases insulin, leading to energy storage as fat. Stabilizing insulin levels is key for weight management.

Fatigue and Energy Dips:
  • Sign: Mid-afternoon slumps or energy crashes.
  • Implications: Spiking and dipping blood sugar impact energy levels. Consistent energy requires a balanced start to the day.

Sleep Disturbance:
  • Sign: Frequent waking during the night.
  • Implications: Unstable blood sugar patterns during the day mirror at night, causing adrenaline release and sleep disruptions.

Sweet and Salty Cravings:
  • Sign: Cravings for sweets and salty foods.
  • Implications: Simple carb consumption leads to blood sugar spikes and crashes. Long-term sweet cravings may indicate poor nutrient absorption.

Clinical Solutions for Unstable Blood Sugar Symptoms:

The Morning Routine:
  • Avoid stimulants before breakfast.
  • Spend 5-10 minutes looking at the sky before screen exposure.
  • Consume caffeine with or just after food.
  • Skip fruit in the morning; save it for after lunch.
  • Ensure a savoury breakfast with at least 35g protein.

Meal Times:
  • Drink 2 teaspoons raw vinegar mixed into 250ml water 5-10 minutes before meals.
  • Begin each meal with a handful of vegetables.
  • Eat without technology, at a steady pace, and in the order of vegetables, protein, fat, carbs.

  • Opt for steady, consistent activity over intense exercise.
  • Prioritise working muscles with weighted exercises.
  • Move for 5-10 minutes after meals to aid digestion.

Listening to your body's cues and responding with targeted solutions can lead to more stable blood sugar levels, improved mood, sustained energy, and better overall well-being. Tailoring your lifestyle choices based on these insights ensures a more harmonious relationship with your body and its intricate systems.

Phoebe x