Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle

Understand Satiety & Never Count Calories Again

Understand Satiety & Never Count Calories Again

Calories alone don't tell the full story of how your body utilises energy. Understanding satiety, the feeling of fullness after a meal, is the key to managing your weight without relying on calorie counting. Let's explore how the quality and composition of your meals influence your satiety levels, allowing you to break free from the calorie counting cycle.

The Satiety Score:

Quality Over Quantity Calories are just one piece of the puzzle; what truly matters is how your body uses that energy in the following 4-6 hours after a meal. A prime example is comparing low-calorie yogurt with its higher-fat counterpart. While the former may seem like a lower-calorie option, it causes a 40% increase in hunger shortly after consumption. On the other hand, the higher-fat yogurt, though more calorically dense, provides a more sustained release of energy, leading to a 20% drop in hunger for the next 4 hours.

Your Cheat Sheet for Satiety-Promoting Meals:

  1. Fibre-Rich Foods (2 Fists): Include leafy greens and whole grains that expand in the stomach, promoting lasting fullness. These foods not only contribute essential nutrients but also support gut health.
  2. Protein (1 Flat Hand): Incorporate meats, fish, eggs, legumes, soy, and dairy to trigger satiety-signalling hormones. Protein sources also release energy slowly, enhancing the feeling of fullness.
  3. Whole Carbs (1 Cupped Hand): Opt for whole carbohydrates from potatoes, root vegetables, whole grains, beans, and pulses. These provide vital energy and additional fibre, preventing sweet and fat cravings and energy dips.
  4. Healthy Fats (1-2 Tablespoons): Include fats from nuts, seeds, olives, avocado, and oily fish. These slow-digesting fats trigger hormones signaling satiety, providing emotional satisfaction and keeping you satisfied for longer.
  5. Limit Processed and Refined Foods: Minimise processed and refined foods as they lack the complexity needed to trigger natural fullness cues. These quickly absorbed options can leave you hungry again, irrespective of their calorie content.

By focusing on the quality and composition of your meals, incorporating fibre, protein, whole carbs, and healthy fats, you can cultivate a sense of fullness that transcends calorie counting. It's time to shift the focus from quantity to quality for a more satisfying and nourishing approach to your meals.

Phoebe x